Hello :)

This is a placeholder page

you found one of my domains, that has no website (anymore).
this is either because it doesn't need a website for it's purpose,
the project is dead or still under development
(a.k.a. dead, but I haven't decided to kill it jet)

want to contact me?

Mastodon Twitter Email
don't even think about to send me spam, you have never been blocked this fast.   And before you even try:

Legal information for freaks...

Responisble for infrastructure: Mx. Bennet Becker, P.O. Box 290 116, 01147 Dresden

For contact use the email above or for specific infrastructure related questions you may
try [email protected] or [email protected] or if you think you are important
enough you may try to call +49 351 2178 9458, but there is no gurantuee that any will ever
pick up.

Data protection

Depending on the means of interaction with my infrastructure, you request will go though the
netwoks and systems of the following providers:

As a general rule of thumb, any time you request from a service the provider will see your IP and
explicit or implict meta information and in some cases even the request body if it was unencrypted.
Every request is logged on the server and is approximitly stored until the harddrive runs out of
space. If you don't like it, don't use the service. Apart from the information the the provider
see anyway no data is explicitly shared with any other third party.